Thursday 25 June 2009

Terminator Salvation (sweded)

Had to post this everyone. A great project I had great joy in taking part in :D
Where else could I play Arnie himself?

Monday 1 June 2009

Going Down Under

Lip sync project I did with Sophie, Lucy and Livvy. All learning how to do lip sync and not promoting sex with kangaroos what so ever!

Monday 25 May 2009

Morg of the Maze - Alternative Animatic

This is something I've been working on for Design in Animation which is my favourite module. Probably because it's what I want to get into. This animatic is of Morg of the Maze. This is a made up animation by me where I've had to design a butt load of things but not actually animate it. Which I'm kinda glad because I'm sick to death of it now.

Here is my little piss take on my own work...I won't be handing this one in, it was just to test the timing.

Monday 18 May 2009

King Me!

Ever since I've been cosplay I will normally choose a male character to dress up as. This I'm told in circles is know as Crossplaying (ah I see what you did there.) Even since I started cosplay I use to dress as guys.

Yeah, I've questioned my gender many times ¬_¬ and I still do. But I'm happy with how I am so whats the point in changing something that I wouldn't say feels comfortable but atleast I know works. I always admire people who go through sex changes. It's such a dramatic change and causes so much stress and emotion both phsycally, mentally, emotionally and socially. I always take my hat off to people who are brave enough to make that change. And why shouldn't they if they're only doing what feels right?

I digress. There has always been something that has interested me greatly and that's Drag Kings. A little less known as his big sister the Drag Queen. I have noticed over the last couple of years I've been looking into it it's becoming more popular. I only bring this up today because I've seen two things that about Kings.
On the way to Uni this morning I noticed an artical in the Metro about Drag Kings.
I didn't read it all cos I feel sick if I read on the bus :( I kinda left it feeling a bit sad that I might never get the chance to Drag King.

Later while looking at a website just because I saw them advertising lesbian t-shirts which I thought was funny I saw an advert for the King of the Castle - Drag King Compertition.

Wow I thought! Soooo wanna be there! Even if it was just to watch. Unfortuantly it's this weekend and I've booked myself in for some hardcore uni work finishing off :/ Plus I doubt I would find anyone to go with me.

I would like to go to a Drag King event. Just to see what it's like and to see if I could do it. The idea has always been really appealing to me since I have been crossdressing. I need a better binder though as my boobies are rather unruley. Which I have found but I've just never had to £40 to buy it :/
Oh I just can't wait to be King lol :P

Monday 11 May 2009

It's true...

She does wish she was as awesome as me.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Recent Sketches

Whoo! First sketches to post. Nothing really erotic like I promised myself -_- but still.

A few months ago I bought a homosexual photography book called 'Lovers' which I really wanted to use as reference for some of my own pictures. I really remember when I drew this but I remember it was after I cleaned my room and I was waiting for something or someone. I had time to kill so drew this up. My two characters Manny and Stan from my story Raising the Stakes

Just a quick one of another Raising the Stakes character called Jamie. I finished this last wednesday during Anime Soc.

Last one for today was something I drew up today during a meet up with Bristol Anime Club. I don't draw women that often so I was pleased with this one. The face looked a little weird so I corrected it once I got home.

Friday 8 May 2009

Why haven't I drawn anything naughty lately? :/

It's definently been a good nine months since I've drawn anything erotic. After changing the title to this blog I realised I haven't drawn any penis for a good while. Have a grown bored of it? Have I not had the time? Have other things got in the way? I'm not really sure. I guess that muse I use to have has flown away.

I have planned as a project over the summer to start drawing up some erotic comics. This is to make some money on Second Life seeing as sex sells much more on SL then it does IRL.

I use to post a lot of my work on Y!gallery but seeing as my network at uni sucks and it doesn't like Firefox for some reason I've had to stop visiting. :( I think I also got tired of drawing my characters in sexual poses. I have a little more respect for them then that. Sad isn't it?

I think I might take a moment today to draw some smut. I need the practise if I'm going to make these comics.

The good thing about this blog is...

I don't think any of my friends look at it XD. No it's actually a good thing. I think Livvy and her stoopid face might check it out from time to time but it gives me a place to talk about my life without fear of embarressing myself infront of friends or hiding things that I really want to talk about.

I feel sometimes I am a viewer of some of the drama that happens with some of my friends. Like a side character who comes in from time to time when the show needs a change of pace. I hope my apperance gets an appluase from the audience lol.
"Ooh we gotta watch this episode. It's got Jenny in it." XD

I prefer my life without drama. I hate worrying. Some people seem to attract it and even desire it. The anime community is notorious for drama llamas. So is Second Life. I tend to back away when it does start brewing. Not that I don't want to help my friends but sometimes it's hard to know who's side to stand on when you don't know all the facts. Take the case of Callum vs Sidnee a few months back. It was all really pathetic and stupid and both needed to grow up and stop being complete whores.

I hear a lot of Nani con drama from all different sides but I'm not going to go into that either :/ Not my place to.

Drama pretty much left me when I finished doing performing arts. I prefer my life to be much more quiet. Things are stressful enough at the moment with it coming close to the end of my first year without silly quibbles getting in the way :P

Recently on facebook a meme went round asking you to write 10 things you would say to someone if you could without saying the name of the person. I mostly put silly things and positive things but some others were quite personal. Handbags at dawn ladies?

Monday 4 May 2009

Latest Anime Dubs

I don't usually pick up any manga magazines but yesterday I picked up a copy of Shojo Beat only for the fact they had an article about Nana. Nana is one of my favourite mangas and animes. The article was about the American dub that will be released sometime this year.

I...DREAD...American dubs.

Of course I grew up in the era when you could only see any anime in American dub. Thank god for DVDs where you can change the language. I'm not saying all American dubs are bad. I prefer to watch animes like FMA and Cowboy Beebop in dub. Guess I've just got use to heaing them in English and they work ok. Other animes like Love Hina make me want to shit blood from the poor excuse of voice acting they've done for it >_<

Now Viz Media have their hands on my precious Nana T_T Lets just hope they don't fuck it up. They are also bring out Honey and Clover which I also hope is not gonna be another fuck up. I've seen the trailer for the Nana english dub. Jeeez they couldn't squeeze in any more spoilers if they tried.

Talking of dubs...I've tried my best to avoid it buutt I finally saw a couple of clips from the recently release english dub of Ouran Highschool Host Club. It's actually not that bad. Not sure on Tamaki but I don't think anyone could quite match up to Mamoru Miyano. I guess I'm a little cynical because I believe the only voices that suit outragous animes are Japanese voices and not squeeky american ones :/

Back onto the subject of Nana I picked this song to end this post. Believe me I love EVERY song from the show but this is pretty related to my current state of mind so I'm gonna post up LUCY. Enjoy :)


Latest show to fuck me up royally.

Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

Thanks James for introducing this to us. Wonder if they ever showed this in the UK?

Monday 27 April 2009

Cosplay Plannage (Picnic, Clubnight and Aya)

Way back in the day when I first started going to conventions in 2006 I was really up for the idea of cosplaying. As my convention experience carried on I started talking a dislike to it. Not to other people doing it. One of the many reason I go to conventions is because I love seeing nicely made costumes. I guess because I never felt to insanely comfortable when I do cosplay. Like most girls I do have somewhat lack of confidence when it comes to my body and I can hardly pull off cute anime characters. Now that I'm socializing with a more cosplay happy group of friends I feel I can get back into the swing of dressing up and go all out at this years big summer convention. AYACON.

So I have plans.

First before Aya there are a couple of cosplay events coming up. Well..I wouldn't really call the cosplay picnic a proper cosplay picnic cos no-one dresses up. Still I enjoy the company and the lols. So something that I've already done before that won't be too much trouble on the train would be nice. Probably my Ouran cosplay's simple, comfortable, and makes girls squee. Which is always fun XD This all depends if I go or not which I probably will but won't be sure until nearer the time.

Cosplay Clubnight in Bristol is run by a couple of friends of mine and always a good laugh. Last time I went as Jessica Rabbit and caused quite a stir (*pfft*).

This time it will land on 4th of July so the night is American themed. I wasn't really sure what to do till Andy asked if I wanted to join their Teen Titans group and do Starfire.

Sure! No problem...Ok..So short skirt and belly showing. Here comes that "All not too comfortable with body" comes into play. But I've decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it. A more challenging cosplay will be a good thing plus it will spur me on to doing more exercise which I started on Friday and have been keeping up since. Fingers crossed on that :P I will post up progress as we go. If all goes well I will probably use it for Aya too.

I've been to two conventions this year and have only slightly cosplayed for a few hours at one of them so at this Aya I'm going all out and cosplay for the full weekend with at least 4-5 different costumes. If Starfire goes as plan she will be number 3.

The first one I came up with will probably be for the Friday. This will be Durer from Enzai. Enzai is a yaoi PC game and this character always makes me lol. As soon as he comes along you know rape is gonna happen. It's amazing.

My only problems I thought would be the hat and jacket but I was quite lucky to stumble across a jacket on eBay for £8. Bargin! That is now waiting for me at home until my brother brings it to me on Friday. Hope it will look ok. Trousers shouldn't be a problem as I've seen plenty of blue trousers on market stalls. The hat will have to be either found or made. I'll work on that when I have more money. Either way it's all working out :D No-one but my friends and other yaoi fans will know who I am. Plus I'll be wearing this at the yaoi panel (which I'm running along with the awesome Mosey ^_^) where I will hopefully be showing the 1st OVA of Enzai.

I wonder if I could get Andy to go as Guys....>.>

My second idea for a cosplay will be my masquerade cosplay. I've only ever done one masquerade but plan to do a big one this time round.


I have high hopes for this one and will probably be the greatest cosplay I've done so far. I'm really excited about it. Plus I have a few friends who are willing to be Bombermen with me. Which is even better :D

The only other cosplay I really need is a ball cosplay. I think Aya is having a ball anyway :/ I'm tempted to go in a dress this time but I always feel so much more comfortable in a suit. If I ever did a dress I would love it to be somewhat Paradise Kiss inspired. Not the big blue dress of course O_O That's far too much of a I don't suit blue :P Needs some research.

So those are my ideas and will hopefully post up progress as they go along. Of course none of these will be really started until I have handed in all my uni work at the end of May. That way I can dedicate myself to making awesome cosplays :3

Thursday 23 April 2009

Oh BTW...

I saw Livvy today. She has a stoopid face :>

It looks like this.

When I really should be doing other things...

So it's about that time again where I go "You know what..I'm gonna start a blog! This time I'll keep it up and post all the interesting things that have been happening in my life and all the interesting things I see and do."


Well looks like I'm gonna start it again.

Might as well introduce myself. My name is Umbrav. Some of you will know me...some won't..ok MOST won't but I hope you will grow to love my awesomeness which I do radiate daily. It's a curse really.

I have a few major factors in my life that might be worth blogging but I decided to just bung them into one big blog until I decide that they might need to be seperated.

First off I'm an artist *cough*...well cartoonist. I'm also an animator in my first year of studying animation. I'd like to post up things I'm working on and animation tests I have completed as well as my comic ideas that have been in the process for many years but I've been too godddamn lazy to start them.

I'm also a Second Lifer. I go by the name of Manny Wachter and Jenneh Adamski. Not as much as I use to be due to my university's cruddy network and them not unblocking voice for me. "We can't change the main firewall!" *Pfft* But that won't be the problem for very long. With the help of my own social specialist Garrett Ceriano I've seen many different sides of SL that I've always wanted to blog about. There won't be much at first but hopefully as I obtain a better network when I move out in the summer Second Life will be much more interesting.

Last just my overall crit on the world around me. I am a geek and often attend anime convention throughout the UK. It would be nice to have a place to jot down my random going ons.

Well that's about this space for...whatever I post up. :3